Dan England – Live & Loud @ Seabreeze Hotel | Mackay
Sunday 24th September 2023
Seabreeze Hotel Mackay
Get ready for the ultimate Sunday session at the Seabreeze Hotel on Sunday, 24th September! Join us from 3pm as we bring you an unforgettable live performance by the talented Dan England, live and loud on the Terrace.
After his incredible journey on Australian Idol, Dan England has captivated audiences nationwide with his remarkable talent. With his smooth acoustic rock sound, he’ll be playing popular classics along with current hits that are sure to get you singing along. And who knows, you might even hear a few of his Aria Top Ten Hits!
Dan England and his band have travelled far and wide, connecting with people from all walks of life. This is your chance to experience his music firsthand, as he shares his honed songs and unforgettable energy with us.
Don’t miss out on this sensational Sunday session at the Seabreeze Hotel. Grab your friends, relax on the Terrace or lawn, and let the music transport you to new heights. See you there!
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