Welcome to the wonderful other-worldly realm of BOOFF!
This uniquely dark and immersive experience of comic theatre is something between a visit with royalty and popping-in to see your strangest and most favourite aunt for a madcap of tea.
As you enter a world with richly detailed custom-made furnishings, bespoke chandeliers, you will meet an eloquent, other-worldly host with a larger-than-life personality. Lose yourself in this surreal tea-party filled with shared true stories that are partly scripted and partly improvised.
With a twinkle in his eye, a glint of mischief, and perhaps even buffoonery… your disarmingly charming host, BOOFF wants you to love him, and as soon as you do, he wants you to laugh with him. Physically and verbally ridiculous, BOOFF can’t blend in, but then he doesn’t really try, and neither should you.
“HIGH TEA with BOOFF was an exceptional one-of-a-kind performance. It is like nothing you have ever experienced before, and one you won’t soon forget! Definite must see for all festival goers.”
Multiple times to choose from!
Monday 3 July to Sunday 9 July
5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:45pm, 8:45pm